7 Effective Herbal Medicines to Relieve a Child's Cough

Seven effective Herbal Medicines to relieve a child's cough,- Reported by the Pharmacy Times, it turns out that almost every child experiences a cough in a year. Some researchers found that children can suffer from acute and chronic coughs at certain times. 

This is certainly very worrying, if this is experienced directly by our own children. The authors of The Archive of Disease in Childhood claim that coughing can occur based on bacterial infections or respiratory infections. 

Today there are several types of cough that is usually experienced by children, both cough with phlegm and dry cough. Not only the child must take medication from a doctor because usually the child can heal by itself. 

Home remedies for a child's cough

The following natural cough medicine that you can make at home to relieve the child's cough, including the following: 

A. Basil leaves 

Herbal Medicines to Relieve a Child's Cough

Basil leaves are usually used as fresh vegetables, you need to know that this basil leaves can also be used as an herbal medicine to relieve cough. The trick, friends can serve it as juice or can also be boiled. 

B. Celery leaves 

Herbal Medicines to Relieve a Child's Cough

In addition to using basil leaves, friends can also use celery leaves as a powerful herbal remedy to overcome the child's cough. Make celery juice by adding 1 tablespoon of pure honey and then consuming it to the child every 3 hours while the child coughs. 

C. Gingers 

Herbal Medicines to Relieve a Child's Cough

There are many benefits that can be obtained from ginger. Besides being able to increase body temperature, ginger also contains anti-bacteria in it, which can work to treat coughs. all friends can present it as a cough medicine by processing it into warm drinks. 

D. Lemon and Lime 

Herbal Medicines to Relieve a Child's Cough

This fruit has a fairly high vitamin C content and contains anti-bacterial properties, both of these fruits are efficacious in eradicating bacteria in our body. friends all apatd use lemon and lemon juice added 1 tablespoon of pure honey and a glass of warm water to drink. 

E. Tamarind and brown sugar 

Herbal Medicines to Relieve a Child's Cough

These two ingredients can be herbal medicines to deal with the child's cough and itching in the throat. The trick, all friends can mix these 2 ingredients into a glass of warm water. Then stir and drink to the child while the child coughs. 

F. Eucalyptus Leaves 

Herbal Medicines to Relieve a Child's Cough

Eucalyptus leaves commonly used to warm the body, it can also be used as herbal medicine to cure coughing. The trick, boil some 2 to 5 pieces of eucalyptus leaves until it boils, then leave until the temperature drops. Drink to children in a warm state when the child has a cough. 

G. Peppermint leaves 

Herbal Medicines to Relieve a Child's Cough

This leave contains a refreshing menthol that can be used to relieve itchy throat. Making this leaf as a cough medicine for children is also quite effective and safe. 

The trick is to boil the peppermint leaves, then turn the steam on the stew to the child during coughing. This is effective enough to relieve cough with phlegm, and dry for children and adults. 

That's our review of Seven effective Herbal Medicines to relieve a child's cough, Hopefully it can broaden our horizons. Don't forget to also visit our selection of articles below.

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