5 Herbal Medicines That Can Reduce Cholesterol Levels

5 herbal medicines that can reduce cholesterol levels,- High cholesterol is a condition of increased cholesterol in the blood that exceeds normal levels. Diseases that lurk high cholesterol sufferers usually such as heart attacks and strokes. Cholesterol is needed in the body to build new cells. Cholesterol helps the body to produce vitamin D, produces bile acids to digest fat and produce a number of hormones. 
Natural ingredients that can reduce cholesterol

What Natural Remedies to reduce cholesterol

Excess cholesterol can occur due to consuming foods that contain high cholesterol, lack of exercise, or due to hereditary factors. To reduce cholesterol we can use natural ingredients that we usually find around us. What are they? 


Herbal Medicines That Can Reduce Cholesterol

Celery can reduce hypertension and cholesterol effectively in the body. In celery there is a hexane extract content that can reduce blood pressure. The content of methanol and ethanol in celery makes blood circulation increase while overcoming inflammation in blood vessels. Consuming one glass of celery juice a day can reduce blood pressure. 


Herbal Medicines That Can Reduce Cholesterol

Apple cider vinegar is a natural cholesterol remedy that can be found in the kitchen. By consuming apple cider vinegar can increase good cholesterol or HDL (High Density Lipoprotein). The content of soluble fiber found in apple cider vinegar can absorb bad cholesterol and fat in the body. This soluble fiber also adds mass which will make you feel full longer, so that it can make reducing the portion of the meal. Apple cider vinegar also contains amino acids which can neutralize bad cholesterol and help remove it from the body by itself. 

How to consume apple cider vinegar with mixing a glass of water and one teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar. Drink two to three times a day for at least one month. 


Herbal Medicines That Can Reduce Cholesterol

The yellow color of turmeric contains curcumin, so it is efficacious in draining bile acids. Cooking containing turmeric is very useful for people with excessive cholesterol. The nature of turmeric is useful to reduce the bad effects of saturated fat. 

If you want to eat coconut milk, you should mix turmeric seasonings into it. Turmeric in coconut milk dishes can neutralize its bad effects. 


Herbal Medicines That Can Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Bay leaves commonly used for cooking spices, also efficacious for lowering cholesterol in the body. You do this by preparing 10 to 15 sheets of bay leaves that have been clean and boiled with 3 cups of water. If only one glass remains, strain the boiled water of bay leaves. Better to consume at night. Not only to reduce bad cholesterol, bay leaves can also be useful to overcome gout. 


Herbal Medicines That Can Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Garlic is a popular ingredient used for herbal medicines. Garlic can be used to reduce cholesterol naturally. How: eat three to four cloves every day, do not forget to drink lots of water to avoid dehydration due to diuretic substances contained in garlic. 

That's our review of 5 herbal medicines that can reduce cholesterol levels, Hopefully it can broaden our horizons. Don't forget to also visit our selection of articles below.

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