5 Natural Gout Remedy That Can Be Made at Home

Gout sufferers can have difficulty doing activities because it triggers pain in various parts of the body, such as ankles, knees, and toes, and soles of the feet. Uric acid occurs when there is a pile of waste due to the decomposition of the purine that fails. Ideally, uric acid is removed from the body through urine or feces. But sometimes, the amount of uric acid that accumulates is even more.
Natural Gout Remedy

When uric acid accumulates, micro-size sharp crystals of sodium urate are formed. Not only accumulates in the kidneys, uric acid can lead to joints in the body. When these sharp crystals begin to enter the soft lining of the joints, unbearable pain comes.

Natural Remedy For Gout

Overcoming gout usually uses medication from a doctor. But there are times when a person can use natural "gout" medicines that are safe for the body to relieve symptoms. Anything?


Natural Gout Remedy

The easiest way you can do as a natural gout remedy is to consume lots of water. This method is effective in helping filter uric acid so that the kidneys can get rid of excess uric acid through urine.

In fact, research from the American College of Rheumatology says people who consume 5-8 glasses of water every day have a lower risk of developing gout.


Natural Gout Remedy That Can Be Made at Home

Olive oil in your kitchen can also be a natural gout remedy. The content is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants which can reduce inflammation. Not only that, vitamin E is also very vital role in controlling uric acid levels.


Natural Gout Remedy That Can Be Made at Home

Many have benefits, apparently baking soda is also good for maintaining the natural alkaline content in the body. That is, the accumulation of uric acid can more easily be removed through the kidneys.

To make it, you can add 1 ½ teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water. Drink four glasses per day in a span of 2 weeks. This method is safe but is not recommended for people with high blood pressure or who are over 60 years old.


Natural Gout Remedy That Can Be Made at Home

Consumption of green tea every day can also be overcome by gout naturally. The content in it can help control uric acid levels in the body. This step can also be done if you want to anticipate the occurrence of gout.


Natural Gout Remedy That Can Be Made at Home

For a long time berries such as strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries have been known to be high in antioxidants. Research from the University of Maryland found that berries are the right choice for natural gout remedies. The content of anthocyanins in it can reduce inflammation.

That's our review of 5 Natural Gout Remedy That Can Be Made at Home, Hopefully it can broaden our horizons. Don't forget to also visit our selection of articles below.

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